Statement of repudiation of yesterday’s terrorist acts

The Seville Mosque Foundation expresses its deepest rejection of the atrocities and despicable acts such as those that took place yesterday in Somalia, Kuwait, Tunisia and France, and we would like to express our condolences to the families of the victims.
The Seville Mosque Foundation has expressed and expresses without any doubt our rejection and opposition to all types of violence and criminal attacks, condemning them without any palliative.
We have expressed the feeling of revulsion at such acts and have rejected all kinds of crimes around the world, and in particular those perpetuated in the name of Islam and Muslims.
As part of the society in which we live and as Spanish Muslims, we show our full support to the affected countries and governments and to all those fighting against this nihilistic, atrocious and anti-Islamic phenomenon.
That these events take place during the holy month of Ramadan is another example of the true motive behind them, which have nothing to do with Islam.
The Seville Mosque Foundation wants to emphasize that Muslims are also part of the collective fighting against terrorism, and that it is mostly Muslims who suffer and suffer the atrocities and barbarities of this group on a daily basis.