Confirming the Sunnah with Ashura Fast – (Sunday, October 1)

One of the most important elements to create a collective identity in a human group is a common story that narrates the past to give meaning to the present and project a future.
Sharing this story, this story, is what creates the narrative of ‘us’; It defines where we come from, who we are, and where we are going.
When the Prophet, peace be upon him, arrives in Madinah and finds the Jewish tribes fasting on the day of Ashura, he asks them why.
They answer that it is the day on which God saved the Prophet Musa from Pharaoh, the day on which he caused the waters of the sea to part, and that, because of this, Musa fasted on this day as a token of gratitude.
When the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) hears this, he replies: “We have more right over Musa,” and recommends fasting on this day and if possible on the day before or after.
(Bukhari and Muslim)
One of the ways in which we can understand the words “we have more right over Musa” is that we, Muslims, are closer to the message that Musa brought, to his tradition.
We are heirs to that message, because, as the Messenger of Allah said: “The best thing that I, and the previous prophets, have brought is: ‘There is no God but Allah.'”
The Prophet Muhammad, in corroborating this fast, affirms a common story.
A story that not only belongs to Muslims, but also shares Jews and Christians – the people of the Book.
But at the same time he elevates Muslims “we have more right over Musa.”
We are closer to its original message and we are the unbroken continuity of that message.
Shaykh Abdalqadir al Khilani tells us in his book Ghunya li-Talibi Tariq al-Haqq, that the day of Ashura was also the day on which Allah accepted Saidina Adam’s repentance; the one who made Saidina Nuh’s ark touch the ground after the flood; the day when the fire became cold for Saidinia Ibrahim, the day when the commandments were revealed to Saidina Musa and the waters of the sea were opened for him and his people.
It was on this very day that Saidina Ayyub was restored to health, the day Saidina Yusuf was reunited with her father, the day Saidina Yunus was pulled from the whale’s belly, and the day Saidina Isa was made to ascend.
By contemplating this, we can understand that Ashura is not just a recommended day of voluntary fasting; By confirming and fasting this day we are accepting and confirming the Prophetic Tradition, we become part of the ‘we’ that form those who believe.
And Allah says in the Qur’an: “Those who believe and perform righteous deeds will have all that is good and a beautiful place of return (to Allah).”
Hafiz Luqman Nieto .— On Sunday, October 1, there will be a breaking of the fast at the Mosque (Ponce de Leon, 9).
Whoever can bring something for the iftar.