Activities & Events

Summary of the book «Menjejak Andalusia»

Here is a short summary of the book «Menjejak Andalusia» by Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman. The summary is in English first and Indonesian later. We are very grateful to Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman for the summary and to the authors of the book «Menjejak Andalusia» for their effort and work in reflecting the reality of this land and the Muslims who inhabit …

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Programa de los VII Encuentros Andalusíes

Los días 1, 2 y 3 de marzo tendrán lugar en Sevilla los VII Encuentros Andalusíes. Las jornadas contarán con una conferencia, a cargo de Ángeles Castaño, profesora de antropología de la Universidad de Sevilla, en el espacio multiusos de la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla. Una visita guiada por la Sevilla Islámica. El yuma dedicado a la temática y una …

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Visit of Jarrah Almutairi, diplomatic Attaché of the Embassy of Kuwait in Spain

On November 22, the Seville Mosque Foundation had the honor of receiving at its headquarters Jarrah Almutairi, diplomatic Attaché of the Embassy of Kuwait in Spain. This courtesy visit was given in response to the visit of the Mosque Foundation of Seville to the Kuwaiti Embassy the previous week. From the Mosque Foundation of Seville, we appreciate Mr. Jarrah Almutairi’s …

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Visita a Talat N’Yaaqoub, Marrakesh

Durante la semana pasada tuvimos el honor de poder viajar de nuevo al epicentro del terremoto ocurrido en Marruecos en Septiembre de 2023. Durante la primera visita, efectuada por nuestros hermanos, Rashid y Hafid desde Granada, en un convoy de bomberos y profesionales acreditados, a penas tres días después del terremoto, tuvimos la oportunidad de llegar a la primera linea …

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Program of Regular Activities and Contact 2020

The activities presented below are open to all Muslims and people interested in Islam. The schedules may change and depending on the calendar some date may vary, please confirm assistance. To attend the Seminars, Conferences, Festivals, Ramadan program and other activities, or if you want more information about any of the activities, contact us.

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Distribución gratuita del libro, ‘La futuwah’, de Imam Al Sulami

Distribución gratuita del libro ‘La Futuwah’, del Imam Al-Sulami. El viernes 16 de febrero, después del Jumua y de un Jutba especial sobre Futuwah del Imam Abdel Ghani, se distribuyeron 120 ejemplares del libro ‘La Futuwah’ del Imam Abu Hamid Al-Sulami, de la editorial Lauh. Los libros han sido una donación del mismo benefactor que ha financiado la publicación a …

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XX Anniversary of the Three Mediterraneans Cultures Foundation

Yesterday, November 27, the Seville Mosque Foundation had the honor and privilege of being invited to the act of celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation. This act has commemorated the 20 years of activity of this foundation in which the values and the intention with which it was created were clear: the concord, cooperation, …

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