Activities & Events

Khutba: The Health of the Heart. (21.07.17) – Said Erraziki

Heart health is one of the inner tools that guarantee the good life in this world, and the attainment of Paradise in the Hereafter. Allah, Exalted be He, says: “It is a day when wealth and children will be of no avail, but whoever comes to Allah with a sound heart.” The Muslim has to strive to purify his heart …

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Lecture by Saad Boukardi, ‘The Imams of Al Andalus’ (AUDIO Arabic/Spanish)

Lecture by Saad Boukardi, Historian and passionate about the past of Al Andalus, during the XIV Anniversary of the Great Mosque of Granada, entitled ‘The Imams of Al Andalus’. This year the central theme of the event of the anniversary of the Great Mosque of Granada, or as it has been called, Encounters of Islam in Europe, has been ́Knowledge …

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Khutba: “The Beautiful Names of Allah” (14.04.17)

All praise belongs to Allah. We take refuge in Allah from the evil that is in our ego and from what our evil deeds can generate. I testify that there is no other divinity except Allah, the One, without associates. I testify that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. We ask Allaah to bless Muhammad, his family, his companions and …

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