Activities & Events

8 Islamic Festival of Mértola

The Islamic Festival of Mértola, Portugal, will take place between May 21st and 24th. Once again, the Seville Mosque Foundation will once again be present in several of the activities of the event, as it has been doing since its first celebration, in 2001. During these days the call to prayer will be heard again in the town, prayers will …

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The 40 hadiths – EP. 2 – Gabriel’s Hadith

We present here the famous collection of the 40 hadiths compiled by the great Sage An-Nawawi with the respective explanation by Imam Ahmed Bermejo, Imam of the Great Mosque of Granada. Chapter 2.

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Khutba: Proud to be a Muslim

Servants of Allah, you should know, may Allah be pleased with you, that Allah, Subhanahu wa ta’ala, has created us to worship Him alone, without associate; And in this sincere worship is where our strength lies. It is in this worship of Allah, which we know to be in many different ways, that we will find the energy we need …

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Khutba: Contentment and Gratitude

Allah says in His Noble Book: “Say: ‘My slaves who have transgressed against yourselves, do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Verily, Allah forgives all wrong actions. He is the One Who always forgives, the Most Merciful.” Contentment and gratitude to Allah for what He has written and decreed for us is part of the Imam and the acceptance …

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El Hajj

The fifth and last pillar of Islam is Hajj. The visit to the sacred house of Allah, in Makkah, at least once in a lifetime, provided that one is in a position to do so, both physically and economically. This visit is carried out precisely and according to ancient rites, originating from the prophets Ibrahim and Ismail, restored and purified …

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El Zakat

El tercer pilar del Islam, es el Zakat, Si la shahada es un acto de la lengua, que confirma la creencia del corazón y el salat es una adoración con los miembros del cuerpo entero, el zakat es una forma de adoración de Allah con la riqueza propia. Zakat significa purificación: la purificación de la riqueza, que consiste en el pago del 2,5 …

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El Ayuno

El cuarto pilar es el ayuno en el mes de Ramadán. El ayuno consiste en la abstinencia de comer, beber y mantener relaciones sexuales desde el despuntar del alba hasta la puesta del sol, durante todos los días del mes de Ramadán. Comienza el mes de ayuno con el avistamiento de la luna nueva de la noche previa al comienzo …

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