The nisab, or minimum amount above which Zakat must be paid, is the equivalent of 20 gold dinars (85 grams of gold) or 200 silver dirhams (595 grams of silver), which in local currency would be equivalent to would be equivalent to 5,380 in gold and 476 in silver, as of 5/06/2024. If this minimum amount is kept unused for one year, 2.5% of its value must be paid for Zakat.
According to consensus, the nisab will be calculated in gold, therefore the minimum amount to be valued in local currency is stipulated at €5,380. This amount may vary minimally and should be calculated for greater correctness at the time when it is believed that the nisab has been exceeded. To calculate the nisab of the zakat it would be sufficient to multiply the price of gold (22k) by the 85gr of the weight of 20 dinars.
If you have possession of gold or silver you must pay half a dinar (2.125 grams of gold) for every 20 dinars and 5 dirhams (14.875 grams of silver) for every 200 dirhams, or its equivalent in grams.
More detailed information about zakat can be found under the zakat tab.
The exclusive account for zakat payments is as follows:
Seville Mosque Foundation – Zakat
IBAN: ES46 2100 8688 7302 0009 4431
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