First #ATileForSeville campaign Categories: CAMPAÑAS

Today, May 24th, the #ATileForSeville campaign has officially  launched. A campaign designed and produced by Ukhwah for Ummah (, in collaboration with

We want to give our sincere thanks especially to Tan Sri Abu Zahar Ujang, for his assistance and words of support and motivation from him.

To everyone at Ukhwah for Ummah for his initiative and great work.

Of course to the artists, Farah Fauzana, Fynn Jamal, Diana Amir and Heliza Helmi, for their effort, devotion and inspiration! Equally to their families for their unconditional support.

To all the media that have attended the event.

To all those who have made this campaign possible in a thousand ways.

And of course, to all the thousands of Muslims and non-Muslims, who have already contributed to this cause!

May Allah make us all successful in this life and the next! Amin.

Alhamdulillah wa shukru lillah!

On the web and our YouTube channel you can see the 24 Episodes of the campaign.