
Muslim Cemetery of Griñon What is happening?

At the end of 2011, agents of the Civil Guard reported that the burials that were practiced in the Muslim cemetery of Griñón did not comply with mortuary regulations, and in many cases, burials were carried out directly in the ground without a coffin. After making inquiries about this information, it can be concluded that: • L The burials were …

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The Moriscos ask to be placed on the same level as the Sephardim and ask for Spanish nationality

If the Sephardim have obtained historical reparation from Spain, why not the Moriscos? The descendants of those Moriscos expelled from Spain in the 17th century do not hide a certain feeling of “exclusion” and demand the same treatment from Spain as that reserved for the Sephardic Jews. Their surnames are Loubaris (from Olivares), Bargachi (from Vargas) Buano (from Bueno), Sordo, …

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Barcelona’s Monumental will not be a mosque

The Balañá Group, owner of the land, has categorically denied that it is negotiating the reconversion of the old Monumental bullring into a large mosque built thanks to a donation from an emir of Qatar. This is the information that has been published since last January by some media and that emerges and resurfaces, with increasingly extravagant details that are …

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