Muslims, I exhort you to have Taqwa from Allah and to recognize His power and majesty, for that will give you tranquility and tranquility in this world.
Servants of Allah, certainly when Allah created Adam, after blessing him with his creation, the first thing He did, the first great gift He gave him was to teach him, to transmit knowledge to him, to make him aware of something that he did not know; and Allah relates it in His Book when He says: ” He taught Adam all the names; then he showed these to the angels, saying to them, “Tell me their names if you are true.”
They said, “Glory be to You!”
We have no knowledge other than that which You have taught us.
You are, verily, the perfect Knower, the Wise.” This event is a teaching for all of us, and what we get from it is that knowledge is a necessity and an obligation for all Muslims, and this is corroborated by the Messenger of Allaah, when he said: “Knowledge (of the Deen) is an obligation for every Muslim man and woman.”
Without knowledge we will enter the darkness and darkness of ignorance, a darkness that is tremendously dangerous in our days, since there is not an iota of light in it and if there is no light, what there is is darkness and if there is darkness nothing good can be expected from a people who live in ignorance and darkness.
The opposite of knowledge is ignorance and there is no worse ignorance than compound ignorance, al-Jahl al-murakkab, which is: ‘not knowing that you do not know something and on top of that believing that you know it’.
This ignorance leads you to pride, it leads you to think that you know everything; it leads you to give your opinion about everything, to believe that you possess the truth, to expose what you think you know as if it were law and certainty, to argue with people of knowledge without really knowing in depth the matter that is being dealt with, it also leads you and this is very dangerous, to not accept the advice of those who know and know the matter that is affecting you.
Unfortunately this is something that happens very often in our day, and certainly this is one of the great diseases of our time: people who have read something very brief on a subject, a couple of hadiths and some verses of the Qur’an and expose it to the four winds; people who publish their opinions on matters of the DIN on social networks, pretending to set a lecture with it, but which are lacking in basis and foundation; people who call for doing one thing or another without having knowledge, or even worse, people who call for each of us, on an individual level, according to our own understanding and understanding, to make our own interpretation of the Qur’an and the Sunnah; and this is really the great evil of our day and we ask Allah to deliver us from it.
Certainly the person who has knowledge is not the same in our Deen as the one who does not, and this is a statement made by Allah in His Book, just as the greedy is not equal to the generous; The degree of the person of knowledge is higher than the degree of the ignorant, not because he knows more, not because he has knowledge alone, but because of the responsibility he has on his shoulders, since knowledge is evidence for or against you, for real knowledge must be accompanied by action.
Knowledge and action go hand in hand.
Real knowledge, useful knowledge, not the kind of volatile information we see so often in our day.
Real knowledge is accompanied by action, otherwise they are just words, beautiful words that get lost in thin air; and this is not our Deen, this is not our business as Muslims of our time.
A true word, a word with knowledge and action, that is put into practice, this is our Deen, this is our business.
Allah says in His Book: “And what better word than that of the one who calls (others) to Allah, acts righteously and says: ‘I am of the Muslims’?”
Word and action.
The one who calls to Allah by his words and acts righteously, and acts according to what he knows, causes his actions to be in accordance with what his tongue pronounces.
Their knowledge and their action go together, they go hand in hand. This is useful knowledge, this is real knowledge; the one you apply, the one you put into practice, and it benefits you both in the affairs of the Deen and in the affairs of Dunya.
If you do not dedicate yourself to it completely, knowledge is not given to you, a part of it is not given to you, because if you only give it a part of yourself, nothing will be given to you.
And the seeker of knowledge who is completely devoted, both in his knowledge and in his action, can be defined as a person of knowledge as long as he does not give himself that category and recognizes that above him there are other people with superior knowledge.
And above them is All-encompassing All-Encompassing All-Encompassing with His knowledge.
Allah says in His book: ” Above every possessor of knowledge there is a Knower.” Servants of Allah, certainly in these days and in this society in which we live, the society of the internet and social networks, the society of free access to many of the sources, there is unlimited access to information, much more than in any past time; in a few seconds we can access a lot of information, and this is a bad thing, quite the opposite, but we must be very careful not to confuse that information with true knowledge, especially in matters applicable to our Deen, our worship practice and our belief.
We live in a world in which we do not stop searching until we find what satisfies us and what we like, what we are pleased with, whatever it is; and this, which can sometimes be a good thing, in terms of the knowledge of our Deen is tremendously dangerous, since we will search and search until we find something, even if it is a very weak opinion, that has been said by someone who is not recognized in that field, but that is the opinion that suits me and the one that suits my needs or my actions and that is why I cling to it.
Be careful with this as it can lead us to loss and darkness.
Our Din, Islam, a Deen who gives preference to knowledge, a Deen who elevates people from knowledge, a Deen who calls for the attainment of knowledge, a Deen whose first word in His Book is “Read”, a Deen whose revelation calls first to knowledge and then to bear witness that there is no god but Allah: “Know that there is no god but Allah.” Our Deen is the Deen of knowledge because Allah is not worshipped in ignorance, He is worshipped in knowledge, how could you worship something you do not know?
Fear Allah, His servants, seek knowledge, real knowledge, useful knowledge, that which we must never confuse with the information on Facebook or Google; seek the knowledge of your Deen in the people who have received it, who have sought it and have given themselves and continue to give themselves to it, for they are the heirs of the Prophets and they are our lifeline in these murky times, when realities are confused and in which more than ever we must cling to the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, S.A.W.S., to the right knowledge, all together and united.
By doing so, without any doubt, Allah will give us success and triumph in this life and in the next. Sheikh Ahmed Bermejo Khutba Great Mosque of Granada, Friday, July 7, 2017.