The President of EMU (European Muslim Union), Abu Bakr Rieger, met during a visit to Morocco with the Director of Islamic Affairs, Dr. Ahmad Costas.
Both discussed the situation of European Muslims.
Rieger presented the work of the EMU lobby offices in Strasbourg.
EMU maintains relations with relevant Muslim countries such as Morocco and participates in international dialogue.
Abu Bakr Rieger especially praised the commitment of the Kingdom of Morocco in its fight against extremism.
“The example of Morocco shows that traditional Islam and the classical education of Muslims are the best prevention of terror,” says Rieger.
Dr. Costas welcomed the important role of European Muslims in the current discourse on Islam and offered greater cooperation in the field of Islamic education.
The Kingdom of Morocco has been operating one of the most successful counter-extremism policies in recent years.
Rabat does not rely on repression alone, but emphasises education as the main tool.
In particular, training traditional imams (as well as female murshidat), who can contradict dangerous ideologies, is one of the main focuses.
To this end, Rabat is cooperating with considerable success not only in Africa, but has also offered important courses for Western European imams in its newly established educational institutions.