
‘Malam Inspirasi’ at the Raya Bintaro Mosque, Jakarta, Indonesia

Ibrahim Hernández, Vice President of the Seville Mosque Foundation, shared a pleasant and inspiring event with Ustad Fatih Karim and Dewi Sandra, famous singer and presenter from Indonesia. The event discussed the Islamic history of Spain as well as the current situation of Muslims in this country. The event took place at the Raya Vintaro Mosque in Jakarta, Indonesia, and …

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Dewi Sandra & Wardah, Jakarta, Indonesia

During the visit to Indonesia in April, the delegation of the Mosque of Seville Foundation was invited to an event organized by Wardah, the most popular cosmetics brand in Indonesia, together with its ambassador and celebrity of ‘A Tile for Seville’, Dewi Sandra, to promote through the most famous bloggers in the country the project of the Islamic Cultural Center …

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Visit to Bapenta Darul Quran in Indonesia, with Ustad Yusuf Mansur

For a Muslim, it is always an honor and a joy to visit the places where the Qur’an is preserved through memorization. The delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation visited the Bapenta Darul Quran Quran school in Indonesia, founded by Ustad Yusuf Mansur, during their trip to Indonesia to promote the project to build an Islamic cultural center and mosque …

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Audience with Mr José María Matres, Spanish Ambassador to Indonesia

On Wednesday, April 26th, a delegation from the Seville Mosque Foundation visited the Spanish embassy in Indonesia to pay respect to the new ambassador, Mr. José María Matres Manso, Ambassador of Spain to Indonesia, on the Foundation’s journey to promote the ‘A Tail for Seville’ campaign. Both the President of the Foundation, Malik Abderrahman and the Vice President, Ibrahim Hernandez, …

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Presentation of the campaign ‘A Tile for Seville’, Jakarta, Indonesia

On Friday, April 28th, the presentation of the campaign ‘A Tile for Seville’ was held in Jakarta. A campaign designed and run by NGO Ukhwah for Ummah of Malaysia in collaboration with NGO Aksi Capatang Tangap of Indonesia who after the success of the first #ATileForSeville campaign have made a joint effort with 7 celebrities from Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore, …

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With Uztaz Bahtiar Nasir, AQL Islamic Center, Jakarta, Indonesia

A real pleasure to be able to meet with Ustadz Bahtiar Nasir, and even more to have the privilege of having him present as ambassador at the inauguration of the #ATileForSeville campaign on Friday, April 28th in Jakarta, Indonesia. Uztaz Bahtiar Nasir is President of various organizations, movements, associations and recently recognized for his appointment by all ulama of Indonesia to head …

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With Uztaz Yusuf Mansur at the Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta, Indonesia

Alhamdulil-lah! We were totally overwhelmed by the incredible reception event at the Central Mosque in Jakarta, Istiqlal, on Sunday, April 23rd. We are overwhelmed by the energy, knowledge and tremendous generosity of Uztaz Yusuf Mansur, for the surprising participation of thousands of Muslims, a Sunday at 8 o’clock in the morning!!! And for the generosity, care and concern of all …

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