Note of support from the Pluralism and Coexistence Foundation

The Pluralism and Coexistence Foundation, an entity of the state public sector, and in its name Mr. José Antonio Ranz has phoned the Seville Mosque Foundation to give a message of solidarity and support to this community, following the recent xenophobic events that occurred last Saturday on August 19th at the headquarters of the Foundation. In the course of the conversation he insisted that this message to be transferred to the representative communities of the Muslims of Seville, who last year were reunited with this institution in Seville and to the Muslim community in general.

He also told us that the result of this meeting, which aimed to study the different non-Catholic denominations in the city, gave a report of a private nature to different instances and bodies of power, local and national.

It welcomes that the group that emerged from that meeting is kept in fluid communication on the aspects that are relevant in the city and affects the communities.

He said goodbye with a hug and encouragement to continue working in a transparent Islam and dialogue with society.