
Khutba: The Din is loyalty. Nasiha. (Español/Árabe Audio – 30.09.16).

Khutba of the Jumua, about Nasiha (loyalty, sincerity, fidelity). The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said in a well recognized hadith: ¨The Din is An Nasiha (Loyalty, sincerity, fidelity.) And he said it three times … And they asked, to whom ya Rasul Al-lah? … And he answered; To Al-lah, His Book, His Messenger, the leaders of …

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Visit of Datuk Seri Reezal Merican, Malaysia’s Deputy Foreign vice Minister.

It is an honor and a pleasure to have received Datuk Seri Reezal Merican, Malaysia’s Deputy Foreign vice Minister, and thus have the opportunity to correspond minimally to the tremendous courtesy and generosity that we are always welcomed in Malaysia. All a privilege to have spent the day with him and his family in Seville, to whom we thank you …

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Presentation by Hajja Atika Jiménez Montes at the ́International Hispano-Moroccan Congress ́, University of Seville.

CULTURAL DIVERSITY, IMMIGRATION AND EDUCATIONAL INCLUSION. Hajja Atika, Isabel Jimenez Montes. Member of the Committee. Representative of the Islamic Cultural Center of Seville.   When I was studying teaching, I read educational experiences in books, which were developed in other places, and I was interested in them with a certain admiration. And now I see myself here before you to …

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#ATileForSeville – EPISOD 17 of 24 – The Mosque of Granada.

#ATileForSeville – EPISOD 17 of 24 – Visit to the Mosque of Granada, the first Mosque built in Granada after 500 years and the first in Spain built by indigenous Spanish Muslims. The Mosque built by our parents, our precedent, and mirror for the Mosque and Islamic Cultural Centre in Seville. Starring…Farah Fauzana, Diana Amir, Heliza Helmi and Fynn Jamal! #ATileForSeville Campaign …

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International Hispano-Moroccan Congress, “Cultural Diversity, Immigration and Educational Inclusion”. 13th and 14th of December, Seville.

The days 13th and 14th of December, the Hispano-Moroccan International Congress, “Cultural Diversity, Immigration and Educational Inclusion” will be held in Seville. This great initiative is organized by the Azarquiel Asociación (Moroccan University Community), AIPIE (Association of researchers for educational innovation), the Department of Theory and History of Education of the University of Seville and GIECSE (Education Research Group Compared …

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IX Conference on Education, Granada.

The Al Andalus Educational Foundation will celebrate, starting on friday the 23rd of december, the ‘IX Conference on Education’ in Granada. Apart from the internal meetings of the directors of the foundation and educators, there is an open program to the public where everyone is invited, with special emphasis on all the Muslim communities of Granada. Program of the IX …

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