
ISOMIL, Internation Summit of Moderate Islamic Leaders

During the 8th, 9th and 10th of May, a delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation was invited to participate in the Internation Summit of Moderate Islamic Leaders, Isomil, organized by Nahdlatul Ulama in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was a real honor for us to attend and participate in this transcendental event, during which representatives from different countries of the world presented their proposals …

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Photo Reportage: #ATileForSeville

From the Seville Mosque Foundation we want to give our most since gratitude to the ONG Ukhwah for Ummah, for its initiative and great effort in the campaign #ATileForSeville. A campaign starring the famous Malaysian artists; Farah Fauzana (Radio DJ and TV presenter), Heliza Helmi (Presenter TV and singer), Fynn Jamal (Singer and writer) and Diana Amir (Actress and presenter), in order …

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Programme of the visit to Indonesia

Dear Bapak/Ibu/and all Muslim brothers in Indonesia. We just would like to kindly inform you that, Insha Allah, we will pay visit to Jakarta and Jogjakarta, Indonesia on 9-19 May 2016 to attend a seminar by PBNU and to deliver several public lectures as well as fund-raising activities. We would like to extend our most sincere gratitude to all parties …

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Visit of the Ambassadress of Indonesia, HE Ibu Yuli Mumpuni to Seville.

On Sunday, 17 April 2016, we had a privilege to welcome HE Ibu Hj Yuli Mumpuni from Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia (KBRI)/the Embassy of Government of Republic Indonesia for Spain in Madrid. We had warm talks and discussion concerning the Muslim society  in Seville and Spain in general and more importantly the project of the development of Islamic Cultural Centre …

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Arabic conversation club. Al Zubaidi Space.

Do you want to learn Arabic in a relaxed and fun environment by meeting people with the same hobby as you? The Three Cultures Foundation and the Azarquiel Association jointly launch the first conversation club in Arabic, Espacio Al Zubaydi. Espacio Al Zubaydi is an open and free space for the public. A heterogeneous audience, with different nationalities, ages, and …

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Photoreport: Muslim Women with 8 Andalusian Surname

  Last Friday, 22nd the launch of a group of Muslim women under the title ¨Muslim Women With Eight Andalusian Surnames¨ took place in Seville, at the Civic Center Sirenas. Organized by the Women Department of the Islamic Cultural Center of Seville, by the Seville Mosque Foundation and by Islam Hoy. With the title we wanted to show that in …

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Ahmed Ben Yessef, Grenada

On Tuesday, May 3 at 7 p.m., a meeting with the famous painter Sidi Ahmed Ben Yessef, resident in Seville since 1967, will take place in the conference room of the Center for Islamic Studies of the Great Mosque of Granada. During the event he will also present his book, ́BENYESSEF HABLA ́. The presentation will be given by Dr. …

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