
24th Anniversary of the Ascension to the Throne of His Majesty King Mohammed VI

Yesterday was held at the Foundation Three Cultures of the Mediterranean, the feast of the throne commemorating the XXIV anniversary of the accession to the throne His Majesty King Mohammed VI, led by the Consul, Sidi Sidi Abbah, who addressed a few words in which he emphasized the close relationship of cooperation between Spain and Morocco and the historical and …

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Celebration of Ashura Day, Friday 28th

On Friday July 28th at 20h there will be a celebration of Ashura Day for children in the mosque. There will be an interactive talk by Muhammad Gutierrez about the day of Ashurah and a snack for the youngsters. Sweets and cakes can be brought for the snack. It will end a little before maghrib. Iftar and harira will be …

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Distribution of lambs, Eid Al Adha 2023

The Seville Mosque Foundation has had the honor of distributing 25 lambs among more than 100 families in Seville on the occasion of Eid al Adha. This assistance was made possible thanks to the Tirmidhi Foundation of Malaysia. Generosity is an essential part of Islam and one of the signs of those who have a heart of gratitude to Allah. …

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Seminar “Religion in a globalized world”.

DILEMMA AND CONTRIBUTION. A VIEW FROM ISLAM Khalid Nieto Moreno. Seville Mosque Foundation 1. RELIGION, WHAT RELIGION? 2. WESTERN MUSLIMS. 3. THE GLOBAL RUPTURE. Religion what religion. When we talk about “believers” and “non-believers”, what do we believe in believing or not believing? When we speak of “secular culture” as opposed to “religious faith”, which “culture” and which “faith” do …

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Eid Al Adha, schedule and location

The Eid Al Adha prayer will be held on Thursday, June 29, in the Alamillo Park at 8:30 am. Insha Allah. Our thanks to the Management Office of the Alamillo Park and the Metropolitan Parks team of the Junta de Andalucía, for their facilitation, willingness and courtesy. This year we celebrate 28 years celebrating the two annual Eid in this …

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Beginning of the month of Dhul Hijjah and ‘Id al Adha

The president of the Islamic Community in Spain announces that the first quarter of the moon has not been sighted in the reference area, 30 days of Dhul Qi'dah are complete. Therefore, it is confirmed that Tuesday June 20 is the 1st of Dhul Hijjah, and ‘Id al Adha will be celebrated on Thursday June 29, inshaAllah.

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Video of the XII Islamic Festival of Mértola 2023

It was with great joy that we returned to the Islamic Festival of Mértola from May 17 to 20, 2023, with a program full of activities for all audiences. The Muslim community, represented by the Seville Mosque Foundation and the Islamic Community of Spain, was present at this year’s XII Islamic Festival of Mértola. With three conferences and more than …

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