
#Kanoute4SevilleMosque Campaign Closure

Assalamu ‘Alaikum, As you may already know, in 2007 whilst playing football for Seville FC, Frederic Oumar Kanoute helped secure our current Musallah. Twelve years later, in Ramadan 2019, Oumar Kanoute further pledged to help raise €1m for the first purpose-built Mosque and Islamic Cultural Centre in Seville in 700 years. With his support and commitment, the online campaign on …

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COMMUNICATION – Suspension of the Islamic Days of Almonaster 2020

Dear collaborators and participants in the Islamic Culture Conference of Almonaster. By direct communication of the Excmo. Mayor of Almonaster, Mr. Jacinto José Vázquez, we have received with regret the news of the suspension of the 2020 edition of our traditional Jornadas de Cultura Islámica de Almonaster. The City Council has assessed that given the massive attendance at this event …

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Quran Tafsir Class – Ayatul Kursi

Tafsir class (commentary and explanation of the Qur’an), taught by Imam Hajj Abdel Ghani Melara, in which he explains tafsir, based on several of the recognized commentators. Ayatul Kursi; (1) Alif, Lam, Mim. (2) That Book, no doubt, contains guidance for the fearful (of their Lord). (3) Those who believe in the Unseen*, establish salat* and from the provision We …

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Eid Al Fitra Communiqué and end of Ramadan 1441/2020

END OF RAMADAN COMMUNIQUÉ 1441/2020 The president of the Islamic Community in Spain announces that, having been sighted the fourth crescent of the moon in the reference area, tomorrow , Sunday, May 24, will be the first day of the month of Shawwal and, therefore, the festival of Eid al Fitr. Allah says in the Qur’an: “Allah wants for you …

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Can we pray Salat al-Eid at home?

Due to the exceptional situation we are experiencing because of the covid19 epidemic and the restrictions imposed on movement and congregation by the state of alarm, many of us are wondering what happens to the Eid Salat and whether it can be done individually. Let’s try to make a clear and concise guide to have clarity on the matter, insha …

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Communiqué Eid and Zakat al Fitr

PRESS RELEASE – 20/05/2020 Eid Prayer and Zakat al Fitra Date of Eid al FitraThe day of Eid al Fitra will be announced on Saturday night, May 23 (29th of Ramadan), depending on the sighting of the moon in Spain or reference area. Eid al Fitra PrayerDue to the State of Alarm, the distancing and hygienic measures established by the …

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