
Audio of the lectures of the Intercultural Conference, University of Seville

A continuación los audios de las jornadas interculturales en la Universidad de Sevilla celebradas el jueves 5 de marzo bajo el titulo; ¨Contribuciones Aldalusiés al Pensamiento Universal, organizadas por el Departamento de Antropología Social en colaboración con la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla. Ángeles Castaño Madroñal ¨Reflexiones para acercarse a Ibn Arabidesde las Epistemologías del Sur.” J. Nieto Moreno“La Sevilla de …

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Comunicado Coronavirus – Actualizado

COMUNICADO URGENTESábado 14 de marzoEstado de Alarma De acuerdo con el Real Decreto 463/2020 del 14 de marzo, por el que el Gobierno de España ha declarado el estado de alarma debido a la epidemia del Coronavirus (Covid19), se acuerdan las siguientes medidas: La Mezquita queda cerrada para toda su actividad hasta el fin del estado de alarma.Todas las actividades …

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Shaykh Abdullah Hakim Quick #Kanoute4SevilleMosque

We would like to convey our most sincere gratitude to Shaykh Abdullah Hakim Quick for his support of the project of Mosque, Islamic Cultural Centre and Awqaf the Seville Mosque Foundation through the #Kanoute4SevilleMosque campaign. Over the past four decades Quick has travelled to 61 countries where he lectured at universities, mosques and at public events. He has also served …

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Shaykh Abdullah Hakim Quick, #Kanoute4SevilleMosque

From the Seville Mosque Foundation we would like to convey our most sincere gratitude to Shaykh Abdullah Hakim Quick for his support of the project of the Seville Mosque Foundation through the #Kanoute4SevilleMosque campaign. Over the past four decades Quick has travelled to 61 countries where he lectured at universities, mosques and at public events. He has also served as …

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André Azoulay, co-president of the Three Cultures Foundation, receives the Andalusian Medal of Solidarity and Concord

The co-president of the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation and advisor to H.M. the King of Morocco, André Azoulay, received on 28 February the Andalusian Medal for Solidarity and Concord, an award with which the Andalusian Government has recognised its defence of dialogue between civilisations, cultures, peoples, women and men on both sides of the Mediterranean. With this award, …

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Indonesian travelers group visit to the Seville Mosque Foundation

Two weeks ago, the Seville Mosque Foundation received a visit from a group of Indonesians who were traveling by hand of Ilimtour. During their visit they showed interest in knowing the status of the Cultural Center construction project and the activities we carry out. Before leaving, they delivered a sadaqa as a show of support for the Foundation and the …

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