As a closing of the workshops developed in all educational centers of Bellavista, on Interculturality, the Association of neighbors Bellavista unit has organized an event at the civic center of the neighborhood. The event was attended by the Councillor of the Exmo. City Councilwoman Dña. Carmen Fuentes Medrano Current president of the municipal district Bellavista-La Palmera.
At the invitation of the President of the Association Mr. Antonio Andrade we have been present at this meeting through our vice-president Hajj Jalid Nieto, historical neighborhood leader of the Association of neighbors of which he was President.
This year the event has been reduced to the lectures that have been given in the auditorium. On other occasions the closing has been with a shared meal with the different cultural groups present in Bellavista. We hope that in future editions we can return to the original format where the final coexistence was the best closure for solidarity.

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