
Qur’anic Tafseer Class – Surat al-Waqia, Part 3 (11-02-19, audio)

Tafsir class (commentary and explanation of the Qur’an), given by Imam Hajj Abdel Ghani Melara, in which he explains the tafsir, based on several of the recognized commentators. (15) Estarán sobre divanes tejidos de oro, (16) recostados unos frente a otros. (17) En torno a ellos irán pasando muchachos eternamente jóvenes (18) con copas, vasijas y vasos de un vino …

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Khutba: On Zakat (audio, English/Arabic 15-02-2019)

Jutba of Jumua: On Zakat 103: Take from their wealth sadaqa, with it you will cleanse them and purify them. And ask for them, for indeed your prayers are for them a guarantee. And Allah is the Hearer and the Knower. 104: Know they not that Allah accepts the return in repentance of His servants and takes account of the …

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Presentation of ‘Zakat Sevilla’.

Zakat Seville is an initiative of the Seville Mosque Foundation so that, in a transparent and responsible way, a platform is established to facilitate that those who have to receive Zakat know where and how they can do it and those who have to pay it know how and how much. Zakat is the third pillar of Islam and an …

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The crisis of metaphysics

Modern philosophy, in general, has abandoned the goals of earlier metaphysics for several reasons. At the heart of the matter is the age-old debate over universal principles, a conflict between the essentialist approach of the “realists” or the “moderate realists,” committed to what became known as the old way (the “old way”), and the nominalist approach committed to the modern …

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Turkiye Diyanet Foundation Scholarships for Secondary Education and University

The Turkiye Diayanet Foundation offers scholarships for both high school and university studies. The scholarships are to carry out studies in Turkey, having the option of doing it in different cities. Secondary studies include all subjects in human and natural sciences and complement this curriculum with studies in Islamic sciences. The degree offered is at the university level is to …

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