
III Dialogue Amongst Cultures Round Table

On Saturday, November 3rd, the third “Dialogue between cultures” round table, organized by the Intercultural Women’s association of Andalusia (ASIA) was held at the headquarters of the Association Claver, in Seville. The event was attended by Farid Aoulouha, General Consul of the Kingdom of Morocco; Luis Vargas, General Director of immigration policy; Mrs. Isabel Romero, director director of the Halal Institute; José …

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Qualities of a community

Cualidades de una comunidad

After a few days of a lot of travel and activity, today I finally have a little time to sit in front of the computer and share with you something that is going around my head and that is closely related to my last talk in Almonaster; something that I consider to be key in the life of the believer, …

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XIX Islamic Cultural Festival in Almonaster la Real

On the 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th of October, the 19th Islamic Cultural Festival took place in Almonaster la Real, a beautiful and significant town in the Sierra de Aracena y picos de Aroche, in Huelva. The festival is a collaboration between the City Council of Almonaster, the Seville Mosque Foundation and the Islamic Community of Spain with the intention …

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Meeting of the European Muslim Forum in Barcelona

Muslim leaders from Europe and Asia have laid the foundations for a new office that will study the construction of a great mosque in the city of Barcelona. The meeting was organised by the European Muslim Forum, a platform that aims to be an interlocutor that represents the diverse sensitivities that exist in Islam to promote different activities and projects, …

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Presentation of the XIX Islamic Cultural Festival at the Diputacion de Huelva

At the presentation in Diputación de Huelva have intervened the territorial deputy of the Sierra; Ezequiel Ruiz Sánchez, the vice president of the Seville Mosque Foundation, Luqman Nieto and the acting mayor of the City Council of Almonaster la Real, Tamara Romero Islamic Cultural Festival; the rich heritage of the Andalusí Legacy in Almonaster La Real, will once again be …

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An undeniable reality: Islamophobia in the media.

“An indisputable reality: Islamophobia in the media” is the title of the 2017 report of the Observatory of Islamophobia in the Media presented on October 2 at the IEMed headquarters in Barcelona, and on October 9 in Madrid at Casa Árabe. Throughout 2017, the Observatory of Islamophobia in the Media analysed daily the information published by six national and regional …

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Khutba: Salat is a cause of happiness (Audio English/Arabic – 28.09.18)

Jutba of Jumua: Salat is a cause of happiness It is true that man was created out of dissatisfaction. When the damage affects him, he is distressed. But when good is his turn, he refuses to give; except those who pray. Those who are constant in their salat and riches give a corresponding right to the beggar and the destitute. …

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