
Experts say that “there is a lot of talk but little thought” about terrorism

Researchers from Morocco and Spain debated this afternoon in Almeria about Islamophobia and its link with the so-called “jihadist” terrorism, a phenomenon about which, in the opinion of the managing director of the Three Cultures Foundation, José Manuel Cervera, “there is a lot of talk but little thought”. This was pointed out by Cervera during his speech at the inauguration …

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Interviews with the authorities at the presentation of the XVIII Conference on Islamic Culture

Brief interviews with the authorities present at the eighteenth edition of the Islamic Culture Conference of Almonaster. In the interview; Ignacio Caraballo, president of the Provincial Council of Huelva, and the Minister of Environment and Territorial Planning, José Fiscal López, the Mayor of Almonaster, Jacinto Vazquez, HE Ibu Yuli Mpuni, Ambassador of Indonesia in Spain and the vice president of …

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Presentation of the gallery “Dialogue between the letter and the brush.” With poetry by Khalid Nieto and drawings by Ahmed Ben Yessef

Presentation of the gallery “Dialogue between the letter and the brush.” With poetry by Khalid Nieto and drawings by Ahmed Ben Yessef at the Islamic Days of Almonaster la Real. After its presentation in Portugal and Morocco, this magnificent exhibition was presented during the XVIII Conference on Islamic Culture: Dialogue between the letter and the brush, with poetry by Khalid …

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Presentation of the book, ́The Andalusian and Moorish heritage in the Maghreb ́, by Virginia Luque

It has been an honour for the Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla to invite Virginia Luque to present her book; The Andalusian and Moorish heritage in the Maghreb, within the Foundation’s programme within the framework of the XVIII Islamic Conference of Almonaster la Real (Huelva). This work allows an incursion into the transfer, transfers, influences and cultural contributions in North Africa …

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Official opening of the XVIII Conference on Islamic Culture of Almonaster, Huelva

The president of the Provincial Council of Huelva, Ignacio Caraballo, has been present at the inauguration of the XVIII Islamic Conference of Almonaster la Real. During the event, he highlighted the example of Almonaster as a municipality that promotes the encounter between cultures in the year in which the #525Anniversary of the Encounter between Two Worlds is celebrated. In addition, …

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