Qur’an Tafseer Class – Aleyas 17 and 18 of the Surah of Thunder

Tafsir class (commentary and explanation of the Qur’an), taught by Imam Hajj Abdel Ghani Melara, in which he explains tafsir, based on several of the recognized commentators.

It brings water down from the sky and flows through the channels of the valleys according to its capacity, dragging floating foam.
And from what they burn in the fire to obtain ornaments or utensils, a similar foam comes out.
Thus does Allah exemplify truth and falsehood: The foam departs, being a waste, and that which is profitable to men remains in the earth.
This is how Allah sets examples.
Those who respond to their Lord will have the most beautiful things, and those who do not respond to Him, even if they had all that is on earth and so much more, would not be able to pay their ransom with it.
Those have the worst account and their abode is Yahannam. What a bad resting place!