Visit of Tun Abdullah Ahmed Badawi to the Mosque of Granada

Last Sunday, September 1st, we had the honour of receiving at the Mosque a delegation from Malaysia who will participate in the Intercultural Conference ‘Intercultural Dialogue between Malaysia and Spain’, which will take place on September 5th at the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation and in which the Mosque Foundation of Seville collaborates. also present at the event through its president.
The delegation, led by Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who was the 5th prime minister of the Kingdom of Malaysia, also included Kosugi Yasushi, professor of Islamic World Studies at Kyoto University and president of the Hadhari Global Network, and Dato’ Mohd, a researcher at the Hadhari Institute of Islam at the National University of Malaysia.
The meeting, in addition to exchanging gifts, enjoyed the mosque and its surroundings, strengthened ties and expressed their intention to continue collaborating.
From the Mosque Foundation of Granada we thank this visit, as well as those who have made it possible, and we express our best wishes both for Tun Abdullah and for all Malaysians. Great Mosque of Granada