Activities & Events

Recording the TV series by TVa, ‘Air Mata Di Bumi Matador’, Seville

During the last days has been recording in Seville a series by TVa ‘Air Mata Di Bumi Matador’, from Malaysia. A TV series of 26 chapters (based on real events) of some young people who collaborate with the Seville Mosque Foundation in the project of the Islamic Cultural Center, Mosque and Awqaf of Seville! Recorded in Malaysia, Seville, Granada and …

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Reception at the Malaysian Embassy in support of the #ATileForSeville campaign

Our most sincere thanks to Khaeria Abdul Qayyum, the highest authority of the Malaysian Embassy, for her generous welcome to the celebrities, Faizal Tahir, Oki Setiana Dewi, Irma Hasme, Elfaizah al-Haq, Dewi Sandra, Sufian Amrin and Farah Asyikin, who have come from Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia to support the #ATileForSeville campaign. It was a real honor to have the support …

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3 NATIONS. 7 ICONS. 1 MISSION. #ATileForSeville 2!!

Following the success of the first #ATileForSeville campaign, we have made a joint effort with Ukhwah for Ummah (U4U) from Malaysia, Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) from Indonesia and 7 celebrities from Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore to reload with a new international campaign to raise funds for the Islamic Cultural Center, Mosque and Awqaf of Seville. The invited artists, who so …

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Jutba sobre la confianza, la verdad y la creencia

Shaij Habib dando el Jutba en la Mezquita Jummuah de Ciudad del Cabo

En el mundo en el que vivimos estamos bombardeados constantemente con información de muchas fuentes diferentes: televisión, prensa, redes sociales, conversaciones con compañeros, amigos y familia o lo aprendido de maestros y hombres y mujeres de conocimiento y estudio. Y esta información es a menudo contradictoria, entonces ¿cómo sabemos qué creer? ¿De acuerdo a qué bases aceptamos un discurso u …

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Masjid Seville Charity Golf Tournament; Note of gratitude & Picture Gallery.

We would like to send our most sincere gratitude to every one that organised, sponsored, helped, contributed and attended the most wonderful and successful Seville Mosque Charity Golf Tournament that we celebrated yesterday. We cannot express in words the overwhelming sensation of gratitud to every one, for every thing. We could have not imagined a more successful and better organised …

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Acercamiento a la Islamofobia: ¿Ideología política o religiosa?, José Sarria

Quiero comenzar mi participación en esta mesa con una cita que pertenece a nuestro filósofo cordobés Abu-l Walid Muhammad ibn Rush, más conocido como Averroes: “La ignorancia lleva al miedo, el miedo lleva al odio, el odio lleva a la violencia. He aquí la ecuación” La fobia es, según el diccionario de la RAE: “La aversión exagerada a alguien o …

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