In the month of Rabi 1, the month of birth of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, we wanted to recommend the reading of this classic text, Ash-Shifa of Qadi’Iyad, with translation by Abdelgani Melara.
The importance of Ash-Shifa, which is one of the most commented works in the history of Islam, lies essentially in the fact that it highlights the importance and consideration that the best of creation, our teacher and prophet Muhammad, deserves, may Allah give him His grace and peace.
This element is absolutely necessary in our Deen.
It tells us about his rank and regard before Allah, what is said about him in the Qur’an, what he himself said about himself, his rank among the rest of the Prophets, the esteem and love of his companions for him, his wonders and his qualities of character.
All this in order to get closer to its true magnitude, with reliable evidence and categorical arguments, delimiting what should and should not be believed and said about it, what corresponds to it and what should be avoided in relation to it.
You can buy it at Madrasa Editorial.

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