
The Moroccan Association for the Integration of Immigrants, in collaboration with the Seville Mezquita Foundation, will hold a workshop at the Mosque at Ponce de León, with the aim of preventing Islamophobia and sensitizing people, groups and institutions regarding Islamophobia. The event is open to anyone who wants to attend and participate and will be held on Tuesday, December 4th, …

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Celebration of the Mawlid An-Nabi, Seville

On Saturday, November 17th, after the Isha prayer (7.40pm), the Mawlid an Nabi will be celebrated -the birth of the Prophet Muhammad- peace and blessings on him, at the Mosque in Ponce de León Square. The celebration will be an evening of Dhikr and a speech by Hajj Khalid, on the love of the Prophet Mohammed, peace and blessings be …

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XXIII Jornadas de Cultura Islámica de Almonaster la Real

Un año más, Almonaster la Real retrocederá en el tiempo y se sumergirá en su pasado Andalusí en las XXIII Jornadas de Cultura Islámica. El pueblo volverá a llenar sus estrechas calles con la magia y el encanto de la cultura islámica, creando un punto de reencuentro, conocimiento y convivencia. Almonaster no solo cuenta con una gran belleza natural y …

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