
Press Release from the Islamic Community in Spain and the Seville Mosque Foundation

  RELEASE – Seville, May 30th 2016 The Seville Mosque Foundation is aware of the doubts that have been handed down from various embassies and official agencies regarding the possible confusion of our project, Islamic Cultural Center of Seville, with other initiatives. The Seville Mosque Foundation was established in 2004 and registered in the foundations register at the Culture Ministry …

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Carta al Sr. D. Juan Espadas Cejas, Alcalde de Sevilla

Sr. D. Juan Espadas Cejas. Excmo. Sr. Alcalde. Presidente del Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Sevilla. ­ Sevilla, 30 de marzo de 2016 Asunto: “Centro Cultural Islámico de Sevilla” La junta rectora de la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla y en su nombre su vicepresidente, Luis Hernández Martínez, quiere poner en su conocimiento como lo hizo con su antecesor, el Sr. D. Ignacio …

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Statement from the Islamic Community in Spain – 14/11/2015

The Islamic Community in Spain echoes the pain and expresses great sorrow for last Friday’s terrorist attacks in Paris. We wish to convey our sincere condolences to the families of the deceased and our wish for a speedy recovery to the injured. Once again, an act of terrorism is being committed in the name of Islam and the Muslim community …

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Comunicado de Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla

Desde que arranco el proyecto de la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla, hemos recibido numerosas muestras de interés por parte de ciudadanos y organizaciones. Además de la atención de la prensa, hemos recibido cientos de preguntas y comentarios de vecinos de Sevilla. A través de esta pagina web y de nuestras cuentas oficiales de Twitter y Facebook hemos intentado compartir información …

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Statement of repudiation of yesterday’s terrorist acts

The Seville Mosque Foundation expresses its deepest rejection of the atrocities and despicable acts such as those that took place yesterday in Somalia, Kuwait, Tunisia and France, and we would like to express our condolences to the families of the victims. The Seville Mosque Foundation has expressed and expresses without any doubt our rejection and opposition to all types of …

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