
Visit of Jarrah Almutairi, diplomatic Attaché of the Embassy of Kuwait in Spain

On November 22, the Seville Mosque Foundation had the honor of receiving at its headquarters Jarrah Almutairi, diplomatic Attaché of the Embassy of Kuwait in Spain. This courtesy visit was given in response to the visit of the Mosque Foundation of Seville to the Kuwaiti Embassy the previous week. From the Mosque Foundation of Seville, we appreciate Mr. Jarrah Almutairi’s …

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XX Anniversary of the Three Mediterraneans Cultures Foundation

Yesterday, November 27, the Seville Mosque Foundation had the honor and privilege of being invited to the act of celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation. This act has commemorated the 20 years of activity of this foundation in which the values and the intention with which it was created were clear: the concord, cooperation, …

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Visita a la Fundación de Mohammed Siddeq, Yayasan Tirmidhi

Durante los últimos días hemos tenido el honor de tener con nosotros a Sidi Mohammed Siddeq junto a su esposa. Sidi Mohammed, es una persona muy cercana y querida por todos nosotros, más allá de los lazos institucionales y colaboraciones entre las entidades. Es abogado de profesión, y patrón de la Fundación Yayasan Al Tirmidhi, y uno de los directores …

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Faizal Tahir’ visit to the Seville Mosque Foundation

On November 12 we had the pleasure of receiving Faizal Tahir, a famous artist and singer from Malaysia, who was visiting Seville with his family. Faizal Tahir is one of the most famous singers in Malaysia and has collaborated with the project of the Islamic Cultural Center of Seville participating in the “A Tile For Seville 2017” campaign. Faizal Tahir …

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Donación de cuadro de la Embajada de Mali a la Fundación de la Mezquita de Sevilla

La Embajada de la República de Malí ha donado a la Fundación de la Mezquita de Sevilla, un precioso cuadro sobre los manuscritos y la educación en Tombuctú, titulado: “Tombuctú Paz y Cultura”. El cuadro, realizado a petición de la Embajada, ilustra los valores ancestrales de Malí basados en la búsqueda del conocimiento, el amor al prójimo, la tolerancia, la …

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Fredi Kanoute, Islam and the importance of giving back – The Independent

The former Premier League footballer is behind a project to build the first purpose-built mosque in Seville for 700 years. Tusdiq Din finds a feelgood story in the Andalusian capital. Fredi Kanoute always knew he wanted to give back. Following his 2013 retirement, the former West Ham, Tottenham and Sevilla forward has given back to football via several charities, and especially …

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Visita de Pehin Dato Halbi Yussof, Ministro de Defensa de Brunei

Ayer tuvimos el honor de recibir en la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla al Ministro en la oficina del Primer Ministro y Ministro de Defensa de Brunéi Darussalam, Maj Gen Pehin Dato Halbi Yussof, junto a su séquito, quienes hicieron una parada de cortesía en la Mezquita para cumplir con sus oraciones y donde pudimos hacer un intercambio de palabras y …

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