Muslims, rejoice in the glad tidings of success, forgiveness, blessings, contentment and acceptance of Allaah for having fulfilled the obligation to fast in the month of Ramadan, for having performed salaat during the night, for having paid Zakat al-Fitr and for attending Eid salat.
For Allah, may He be exalted, says in His Book of Generosity:
“He who purifies himself, remembers the name of his Lord and prays, will have achieved success.”
This verse is interpreted by most tafsir people as:
- Tazakka (purify) refers to the payment of Zakat al-Fitr
- Dhakarasma rabbihi (remember the name of your Lord) to the remembrance and mention of Allah that is made on the way to the musalla and once there
- Pray (and pray) the prayer of ‘Eid.
And Allah says:
“That you may complete the number of days and proclaim the greatness of Allah by the guidance He has given you, and that you may be thankful.”
The tafsir of this verse is that ‘proclaiming the greatness of Allah’ is takbeer at the end of Ramadan, the day of ‘Eid, in gratitude to Allah for the blessings and favours He has bestowed upon us, for having guided us and allowed us to fulfill what He has stipulated as obligatory for us. We have gathered here to celebrate ‘Eid al-Fitr, to rejoice in the fact that we have completed one of the greatest acts of obedience to our Lord, fasting during the month of Ramadan. And for this we should give sincere thanks in recognition of Allah’s immense mercy and generosity. Today is a day that Allah has selected and given special treatment: it is the day on which He grants the believers His reward for fasting in the month of Ramadan. The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said: “On the Day of ‘Eid ul-Fitr the angels come down to earth and stand at the entrances of the streets and avenues and announce in a voice that all creation hears except humans and jinn: ‘O ummah of Muhammad, go out to a Generous Lord who bestows abundant reward and forgives immense wrong actions.’ Then, when people come to the musalla, Allah says to the angels: ‘My angels, what is the reward of a hired worker when he completes his task?’ They answer: ‘God and our Lord, may his payment be given to him in full.’ Then Allah says, ‘I make you witnesses that your reward for fasting and the prayers you have performed are My rida (satisfaction) and My forgiveness. So go forgive.'” ****** Allah says:
“Say: ‘Let them rejoice in the favor and mercy of Allah.’ That’s better than what they accumulate.”
Muslims, celebrate the blessings of Allah upon you.
He says in His Book:
“And if you try to enumerate the blessings/gifts of Allah, you will not succeed in counting them.”
Allah’s blessings are countless, and today some of the most important ones are becoming latent, so enjoy them; Enjoy the good food and drink He has given us, the good clothing, the good perfume, and the company of those you love.
Enjoy it openly in gratitude to your Lord.
He says,
“As for the blessing of your Lord, speak openly.”
And the Messenger of Allah said:
“Allah loves to see the imprint of His favor upon His slave.”
So honor the generosity of Allah and celebrate it.
And remember that Allah has made the believers brothers in the deepest sense.
And this is an existential reality that we must love, protect and promote, and not understand or take lightly or superficially.
This bond is our support, breath and protection in an era in which bonds are destroyed to individualize people, and thus enslave them and deprive them of their communal power and economic and transactional freedom. Allah says:
“You became brothers by His favor.”
And he also says:
“Truly believers are brothers.”
And he also says,
“It is He who has joined your hearts.”
So take the opportunity that this blessed day offers to renew and strengthen the bond between you.
Be generous among yourselves, care for one another, help one another, honor one another, offer good counsel to one another, overlook disputes among yourselves.
O Allah, we ask You to accept our fast and our salat, and to grant us Your forgiveness.
We ask you for success and to make our highest aspirations come true.
We ask you to make this day a day of joy for the Ummah, especially those Muslims who are oppressed.
And we ask You, O Allah, to bless us greatly on this day.
Jutba by Hafith Abdellah Castiñeira.

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