
Meeting with the Diyanet Vakfi Foundation, Ankara, Turkey

Last Thursday, March the 2nd, 2017, the delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation, with the presence and support from the President of the Islamic Community in Spain and the Director of the Great Mosque of Granada, had the honor to meet with the Diyanet Foundation Vakfi, in their headquarters in Ankara, Turkey. This meeting focused on the presentation of the …

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Audience with Shaykh Osman Nuri Topbash, Istanbul, Turkey

It has been a real honor and pleasure for the delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation, to begin our journey to Turkey with an audience with Shaykh Osman Nuri Topbash, last Monday, February 27th, may Al-lah gives him good health and a long life. Amin. Shaykh Osman is one of the great recognized figures of knowledge and transmission in Turkey. …

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Visit to the Islamic Cultural Association Blas Infante, Huelva

Members of the Seville Mosque Foundation visit the Islamic Cultural Association “Blas Infante”, in Almonte, Huelva, with whom a cultural collaboration agreement has been established, which includes historical visits, conferences, coexistence in nature, and collaboration in the near future Islamic festival of Mertola and Almonaster.

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Reception of Sidi Mohammed Siddeq and family in Seville

During the last few days we have had the pleasure of welcoming Sidi Mohammed Siddeq and his family on an unofficial visit to our beautiful city. It is an honor to be able to respond in our land to the tremendous courtesy and generosity we have always received when we have visited them in Malaysia. Sidi Mohammed, a lawyer by …

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Letter to Mr. Mr. Juan Ignacio Zoido Álvarez, Mayor of Seville, 12 February 2015

Att. Juan Ignacio Zoido Álvarez. His Excellency. Mr. Mayor. President of the Hon. Seville City Council. Seville, February 12, 2015 Subject: “Islamic Cultural Centre of Seville” It has been a year since the governing board of the Seville Mosque Foundation was renewed, and with it the intention of providing the city with a space that meets the needs of the …

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