
Khutba: The Intellect.

Praise be to Allah, who created and taught man what he did not know. Who gave him the kalam and the intellect to reflect. Who guides him in the misdirection. His are the praises in heaven and on earth, His is power and knowledge. He knows the manifest and the hidden. I testify that there is no god but Allah, …

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Congress in Melilla, Hajj Khalid Nieto

The educator Hajj Khalid Nieto highlights the importance of the family and the teacher in society in a talk at the First Congress on Sufism held in Melilla. “All that Islam should do in the people who practice it is to elevate the noble qualities of the person, such as love, respect and understanding, but not only among the Muslims …

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Eid to Fitr 2016 Khutba

Muslims, I urge you to have Taqwa from Allah, for Taqwa is what unites our hearts and what will give us a high position in the Hereafter. “You who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and do not die without being subdued.” Servants of Allah, rejoice for today. Rejoice and rejoice that you have completed the month of …

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Muslim communities and associations from Sevilla gathers with the Pluralism and Coexistence Foundation

  At the beginning of July all Muslim Communities from Seville gather with the Pluralism and Coexistence Foundation in the sociocultural place from Al Hidaya Mosque in the Cerezo neighborhood. In a climate of consensus and respect, many issues of interest were treated for relations with the City Council by the Muslims communities representative from Seville. Since the beginning of …

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XIII anniversary of the Granada Mosque

Program: Friday, July 22nd 11:30 Opening. By Emir Malik Ruiz 12:00 Coffee 12:30 Conference. “The role of Tasawuf as Protector of the Society Against Extremism”. By Shaykh Ali Laraki 14:30 Salat al Jumu’a and lunch 19:00 Feast of the Mosque in the garden Saturday, July 23rd 11:00 Conference. “The role of the Amir of the Faithful people in Morocco, establishing …

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Jejak Penghafal Alquran di Sevilla – Republika, Indonesia

Di bawah rindang pepohonan, di tepian terminal bus Kota Sevilla, Spanyol, dua penghafal Alquran bercerita penuh semangat. Mereka adalah Luqman Nieto dan Umar Molinero. Kedua anak muda ini mengisahkan perjalanannya bisa menghafal Alquran dan kecintaannya pada kitab suci tersebut. Perjalanan cinta kepada Alquran mereka kisahkan di sela berlangsungnya Tarawih berjamaah di Masjid Sevilla, Ahad (3/7) dini hari waktu setempat. Dalam …

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