
Presentation at the Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Mosque

Between Maghrib and Isha salat, the delegation had the opportunity to make a presentation at one of the largest and most beautiful mosques in Malaysia. The reception by the people was of incredible courtesy and hospitality. At the presentation they were accompanied by Ustad Zul Rambli, a celebrity in Malaysia, who spoke about the situation of Muslims in Spain and …

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Interview on TV Al Hijra, Malaysia

This morning the representatives of the Mosque Foundation of Seville had a live interview on the program ́Assalamu alaikum ́ of TV Al Hijra in Kuala Lumpur, where they talked about Muslims in Spain and presented the project of the Islamic Cultural Center of Seville.  

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Visit to Malaysia

A delegation from the Seville Mosque Foundation visits Malaysia for the presentation of the project of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Seville. The delegation is made up of Malik A. Ruiz, president of the Islamic Community in Spain (CIE); Ibrahim Hernández, vice-president of the Seville Mosque Foundation; Bashir Castiñeira, Director of the Great Mosque of Granada; Muhsin Sierra, director of …

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NGO – Ukhwa for Ummah

The NGO Ukhma for Ummah supports the development of the project of the Islamic Cultural Center of Seville. (Video in Malay) –

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Islam di Sepanyol – Trailer

Trailer of the Documentary about Spanish Muslims. From the series of documentaries recently filmed on Islam in Spain. Broadcast in Malaysia on January 28, by the Astro network, Oasis.

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