
VII Conference on Education

On January 2, 3 and 4, the VII Conference on Education will be held at the Great Mosque of Granada. This year’s title is, ‘Education and Community’, where there will be a meeting of the different educational projects linked to Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir As-Sufi. The Maulid will be celebrated on Saturday 3, after the salat of ‘isha, with the presence …

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TV Documentary for Malaysia

At the beginning of the month we had the honour of participating in a series of three television documentaries for Malaysia, produced by, about the Islamic Community in Spain (CIE). In Seville, they recorded several interviews with representatives of the Mosque of Seville Foundation, where the history of the Foundation and future projects were told, and the different activities …

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Muslims in Spain – Malik Gil

Muslims in Spain is a journey through the life and soul paths of Muslim people in Spain. How they learned about Islam, what Islam brings them, how it transformed their lives, and how they live their daily lives under the light of Tawhid.

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Lady Aisha College – First Graduation!

Our congratulations to Lady Aisha College! To all the women who have made this first year possible and of course to their students! Below is a short letter from the Head of the College, Hajja Rahima Brandt. Asalaamu alaykumWe did it! We have reached the end of our first year with all the students who started with us completing the …

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Courtesy at Home

Politeness properly understood, such as respect – spiritual not formal – and proper treatment – sincere not apparent – that is due to all beings and creatures around us, is one of the main obligations of every Muslim and should be of every human being. One of our sages when asked what the way was used to answer, “Love of …

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Letter from Malcolm X from Mecca

Malcolm X or Al-Hajj Malik Ash-Shabazz, saw the light of true Islam through his pilgrimage in April 1964. As a member, until then, and spokesperson of the organization “The Nation of Islam”, a nationalist socio-political religious movement with racist tendencies. Malcolm firmly believed that the white man was diabolical and the black man should be his enemy. After leaving the …

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Muslims for Spain – Aziza

Muslims in Spain is a journey through the life and soul paths of Muslim people in Spain. How they learned about Islam, what Islam brings them, how it transformed their lives, and how they live their daily lives under the light of Tawhid. Cordoba International Documentary Series –

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