
Class of the Tafsir of the Qur’an – Surah of the Covenants, 21. (Audio)

Tafsir class (commentary and explanation of the Qur’an), given by Imam Hajj Abdel Gani Melara, in which he explains the tafsir, based on several of the well-known commentators, of the following Qur’anic ayat: Really in the Messenger you have a beautiful example for one who has hope in Allah and in the Last Day and remembers Allah a lot. Surah …

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Tafsir classes of the Qur’an, taught by Hajj Abdul Gani Melara

Tasir (commentary and explanation of the Qur’an) classes, given by Imam Hajj Abdel Gani Melara. On Mondays between the Maghrib and Isha. It is a unique opportunity that we have in Seville to be able to benefit from these classes of Hajj Abdel Gani, to whom we are tremendously grateful for his service and dedication. Hajj Abdel Gani’s first major …

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EPISODE 19 of 20 – Oki Setiana Dewi & Faizal Tahir – #ATileForSeville 2017

The trip is almost done, series are almost done, but we still a long way to go to build the mosque! In this episode Faizal Tahir & Oki Setiana Dewi share with us their thoughts on their journey. A truly encouraging journey, of love and concern for the Muslim Ummah! Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel Please visit our …

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Du’a Násiri – The Du’a in the difficulty and in search of refuge in Allah against oppression (Arabic AUDIO and English Translation)

Du’a Násiri Shaykh Muhammad – Fatha – ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn al-Husayn ibn Nasir ibn ‘Amr ad-Dar’i al-Aghlabi (d 1085 AH) “… It has been shown that this plea alleviates punishment and helps to overcome difficult situations, especially when they have to do with society and are related to issues that concern all Muslims. The people of …

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Point of aid collection for the natural disaster of Sierra Leone

As a result of the event held on September 22nd at the Civic Center Las Sirenas in Seville, the Seville Mosque Foundation has offered the Mosque as a collection point for clothing, toys and household and kitchen utensils, which will be collected and sent by the’APPICA Association’ (Progressive Portal Immigrant African Culture), to those affected by the natural disaster of …

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Confirming the Sunnah with Ashura Fast – (Sunday, October 1)

One of the most important elements to create a collective identity in a human group is a common story that narrates the past to give meaning to the present and project a future. Sharing this story, this story, is what creates the narrative of ‘us’; It defines where we come from, who we are, and where we are going. When …

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