Next Saturday November 11, from 10 to 14hrs and Sunday 12, from 09 to 12hrs in the multipurpose room of the Seville Mosque Foundation, Pl. Ponce de León, 9, 41003 Seville Abdallah Tawfiq Velasco will hold workshops with free admission.
Assessment of respiratory biomechanics. Breathing in freedom.
- The body is an amana, a loan, we are responsible for it.
- Breathing is closely related to the body and the psycho-emotional process.
- Each person will know what their breathing is like and what natural breathing is like.

Treatment, return to natural breathing, fitra – We suggest that breathing is the mother of medicines when it is organic and natural(fitrah) in an ordered respiratory system. In a sufficiently well organized body, the functions will be more optimal, and will offer better breathing and greater physical and psycho-emotional health. – We will try to explain, according to our understanding, how possibly was the respiratory biodynamics of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), based on the following hadith: “Chest and abdomen were at the same height, torso extended, shoulders distanced and bones magnos or lean”. “He cannot be belittled because of his belly, nor because of the size of his head” (Bukhari and Muslim). We will try to adopt a similar physical and postural attitude, perceiving that the respiratory biomechanics become more natural and true.
- When the breath returns to its natural state, free of physical and mental blockages, there is an opening of the heart.
- Through conscious, natural and sincere breathing, we can subdue the dragon of the ego, nafs, and free the body and the breath.
We must recognize that the natural breathing pattern is the complete, also called integral, where the trunk expands through the six planes (posterior, anterior, lateral, caudal and cranial) simultaneously, during the whole time of inhalation.
Contact: Abdallah Tawfiq Velasco
Photo gallery of the workshop celebration:

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