At the end of the blessed month of Ramadan, we wanted to take this opportunity to give our sincere thanks to all those who have made it possible for us to enjoy this Ramadan full of baraka and blessings, in the Mosque of Ponce de Leon, Seville.
First to the families who have so generously funded and cooked the harira and dinner daily. For their tremendous effort and generosity.
“Whoever feeds a fasting person will receive his own reward, without it being diminished from his own.” [At-Tirmidhi]
To those who have served, collected and cleaned on a daily basis. To those we see and those we don’t see. To those who keep the mosque open, clean and perfumed.
To Sidi Ali and Sidi Mubarak from Carniceria Blanca Paloma in Macarena and Polígono Carretera Amarilla, for donating the meat every day of Ramadan for the Harira.
To the L’Andalusi bakery for donating the delicious bread daily, and to those who brought it as well.
To Hajj Abdel Gani for the waste of knowledge and subtlety in giving it, in the classes before the iftar.
To Hafid Sulaiman Castiñeira for accompanying us this year during Ramadan and blessing us with tarawih daily.
To those who have kept the Hizb of Qur’an daily after the salat of Asr.
And to all those who have contributed with their sadaqa, presence, smile and courtesy to the mosque.
And to the US families who with their sadaqa have sweetened Ramadan for more than 800 families through the distribution of dates, honey and oil. Also to those who have collaborated to make this possible.
May Allah accept our fasting, qiyam, all good deeds, and increase everyone for their effort and generosity and reward everyone with all the best in this life and the next. And keep us always in the best of company in this life and the next. Amin.

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