Activities & Events

Audience with Shaykh Osman Nuri Topbash, Istanbul, Turkey

It has been a real honor and pleasure for the delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation, to begin our journey to Turkey with an audience with Shaykh Osman Nuri Topbash, last Monday, February 27th, may Al-lah gives him good health and a long life. Amin. Shaykh Osman is one of the great recognized figures of knowledge and transmission in Turkey. …

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Programa de las XXI Jornadas de Cultura Islámica de Almonaster la Real

Viernes 8 19:00h. SALÓN BLAS INFANTE. Inauguración de la Exposición “Mezquitas del Mundo”.20:00h. MEZQUITA. Inauguración institucional de las Jornadas.20:30h. Concierto Dúo Ghandar Sábado 9 SALÓN EL CONCEJIL12:00h. Presentación de los libros:Las artes del Islam II. Vidrios, Marfiles, Metales, Cerámica y Tejidos. Ed. Susana Gomez Martinez. Universidad de Évora Patrimonio Andalusí. Cultura, documentos y paisaje. Ed. Christine Mazzoli-Guintard . Universidad de Nantes.12:30 Conferencia: Relevancia del simposio de Almonaster la Real …

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Visit to the Islamic Cultural Association Blas Infante, Huelva

Members of the Seville Mosque Foundation visit the Islamic Cultural Association “Blas Infante”, in Almonte, Huelva, with whom a cultural collaboration agreement has been established, which includes historical visits, conferences, coexistence in nature, and collaboration in the near future Islamic festival of Mertola and Almonaster.

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Reunión con el Ayuntamiento de Almonaster para la organización de las XXI Jornadas de Cultura Islámica

El día de ayer una delegación de la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla se reunió en Almonaster la Real, Huelva, con su Alcalde, Don Jacinto Vázquez, la concejal de Turismo, Tamara Romero, y Yolanda Benabat, con el fin coordinar la organización de la vigesimoprimera edición de las Jornadas de Cultura Islámica de Almonaster. En este “año especial ” debido a la pandemia, …

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Classes on Tafsir of Qur’an – About the term ‘Amr’, authority, in the Qur’an and the Sunna. (Audio)

Tafsir classes (commentary and explanation of the Qur’an), taught by Imam Hajj Abdel Ghani Melara, where he explains the tafsir, based on several of the recognized commentators, in this class, on the term ‘Amr’, authority: O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it …

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