
Presentation of the campaign ‘A Tile for Seville’, Jakarta, Indonesia

On Friday, April 28th, the presentation of the campaign ‘A Tile for Seville’ was held in Jakarta. A campaign designed and run by NGO Ukhwah for Ummah of Malaysia in collaboration with NGO Aksi Capatang Tangap of Indonesia who after the success of the first #ATileForSeville campaign have made a joint effort with 7 celebrities from Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore, …

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Recording the TV series by TVa, ‘Air Mata Di Bumi Matador’, Seville

During the last days has been recording in Seville a series by TVa ‘Air Mata Di Bumi Matador’, from Malaysia. A TV series of 26 chapters (based on real events) of some young people who collaborate with the Seville Mosque Foundation in the project of the Islamic Cultural Center, Mosque and Awqaf of Seville! Recorded in Malaysia, Seville, Granada and …

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Masjid Seville Charity Golf Tournament.

The 20th of November 2016 a Charity Golf Tournament will be played at Glenmarie Golf & Country Resort in Kuala Lumpur, with the aim of gathering funds and support towards to project of the Mosque, Islamic Cultural Centre and Awqaf of Seville, Spain. A project that has the endorsement and support of the Government of Malaysia. The event is organised by Tabung Pembangunan …

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Programa de las jornadas ‘Islam en el Norte’, en Malmo, Suecia

El fin de semana del viernes 5 de octubre al domingo 7, tendrá lugar en Malmo, Suecia, unas jornadas dedicadas a explorar el arraigo, presencia, experiencia y entendimiento del Islam en el norte de Europa. El viernes por la tarde tendrá lugar la primera sesión con un charla de Shaij Salahuddin Barkat, titulada ‘Suecia’, otra por Abu Bakr Rieger, sobre …

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Recepción en la embajada de Indonesia por el 73 aniversario de la independencia

El día 27 de septiembre la Embajada de Indonesia celebró la conmemoración del 73 aniversario de la independencia de la República de Indonesia y el 60 aniversario de las relaciones diplomáticas entre el Reino de España y la República de Indonesia. La Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla fue invitada por H.E. Pak Hermono y su esposa, la Sra. Sri Rejeki Hermono, …

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