
VII Conference on Education

On January 2, 3 and 4, the VII Conference on Education will be held at the Great Mosque of Granada. This year’s title is, ‘Education and Community’, where there will be a meeting of the different educational projects linked to Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir As-Sufi. The Maulid will be celebrated on Saturday 3, after the salat of ‘isha, with the presence …

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TV Documentary for Malaysia

At the beginning of the month we had the honour of participating in a series of three television documentaries for Malaysia, produced by, about the Islamic Community in Spain (CIE). In Seville, they recorded several interviews with representatives of the Mosque of Seville Foundation, where the history of the Foundation and future projects were told, and the different activities …

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Al-Andalus, a common heritage

From Monday 24 to Friday 28 November, the Conference ‘Morocco in Andalusia’ will be held at the Rectorate of the University of Seville. Organized by the Azarquiel Association. On Tuesday 25th, the Seville Mosque Foundation, through its Director of Communication, Hajj Khalid Nieto, had the pleasure of being able to take part in the colloquium, ‘Al Andalus, a common heritage’. …

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Kanoute Foundation

During the month of Ramadan The Seville Mosque Foundation made a trip to Dubai, where among many other personalities, we had the pleasure of having a nice dinner with Oumar Kanoute. Frédéric Oumar Kanouté has launched a noble initiative to establish a “Children’s City”, called Sakina, in Bamako (Mali). Sakina brings together various services and facilities for the needs of …

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Celebration of Eid al Adha

On Sunday October 5 was held in the Alamillo Park, the Eid al Adha prayer. Eid al Adha, which could be translated as Celebration of Sacrifice is the major Muslim holiday (or Aid-al Kebir (Great Feast) that commemorates the passage recorded in both the Koran and the Bible, which shows the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son as an …

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Visit Malasios

At the end of October we had the honor of receiving a delegation of Malaysians, from, who were touring all the cities with Muslim heritage, and at the same time getting to know the now resident Muslims. Among the 83 visitors came the presenter and team of a radio station, with whom we had a relaxed interview.

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Almonaster, XV Conference on Islamic Culture

From October 10 to 12, 2014, the XV Conference on Islamic Culture will be held in Almonaster la Real, Huelva, with the participation of the Seville Mosque Foundation. The Muslim presence left a particular stamp in many parts of the Natural Park Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche, which today retain considerable traces of their stay. Being the first …

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