
Audience with HE Pak Jusuf Kalla, Vice President of Indonesia

The Vice President of Indonesia, HE Pak Jusuf Kalla received in audience the delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation, in Jakarta, Indonesia. During the meeting at the presidential palace, the delegation had the opportunity to share with His Excellency Pak Yusuf Kalla the situation of Muslims in Spain, and they presented the project of the Islamic Cultural Center of Seville, to …

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Comunicado en relación a la misiva dirigida a su Majestad Felipe VI por “Mezquita Ishbilia”

Debido a que hay medios de comunicación que han confundido la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla y la entidad ‘Mezquita Ishbilia’, a los innumerables mensajes que hemos recibido en las redes sociales y a que han aparecido imágenes del centro de la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla confundidas con el centro de ‘Mezquita Ishbilia’, hemos considerado necesario publicar este comunicado: Fundación Mezquita …

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ISOMIL, Internation Summit of Moderate Islamic Leaders

During the 8th, 9th and 10th of May, a delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation was invited to participate in the Internation Summit of Moderate Islamic Leaders, Isomil, organized by Nahdlatul Ulama in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was a real honor for us to attend and participate in this transcendental event, during which representatives from different countries of the world presented their proposals …

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Programme of the visit to Indonesia

Dear Bapak/Ibu/and all Muslim brothers in Indonesia. We just would like to kindly inform you that, Insha Allah, we will pay visit to Jakarta and Jogjakarta, Indonesia on 9-19 May 2016 to attend a seminar by PBNU and to deliver several public lectures as well as fund-raising activities. We would like to extend our most sincere gratitude to all parties …

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Video de las mesas del ‘Intercambio cultural entre España e Indonesia’

A continuación el video completo de las tres mesas de dialogo intercultural, celebradas en la Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo, en Sevilla el 21 de Marzo de 2019. El foro estuvo estructurado en tres mesas de diálogo que tuvieron lugar sucesivamente. La primera mesa sirvió como introducción al evento y en ella estuvieron presentes: Prof. Syafiq A Mughni, enviado Especial …

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Visit to the Ambassador of Spain to United Arab Emirates

During the first week of Ramadan, a delegation of the Islamic Community in Spain, with representatives of the different entities that compose it, was received by the ambassador of Spain to the UAE, Mr. José Eugenio Salarich Fernández-Valderrama. During the meeting, the president of the Islamic Community in Spain, Malik A. Ruiz, briefly presented the different projects of CIE and …

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Visita de Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla junto a Oumar Kanouté al Ministerio del Awqaf de Kuwait

Oumar Kanouté, en sus esfuerzos por ayudar al proyecto de la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla de construir una mezquita y centro cultural islámico, ha invitado a la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla a acompañarle en un viaje benéfico a Kuwait. Durante el viaje, Kanouté, junto a Amin, su representante y Abu Qasim Molinero, secretario de la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla, han …

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