
Visit of the Ambassadress of Indonesia, HE Ibu Yuli Mumpuni to Seville.

On Sunday, 17 April 2016, we had a privilege to welcome HE Ibu Hj Yuli Mumpuni from Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia (KBRI)/the Embassy of Government of Republic Indonesia for Spain in Madrid. We had warm talks and discussion concerning the Muslim society  in Seville and Spain in general and more importantly the project of the development of Islamic Cultural Centre …

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Visit to the Ambassador of Spain to Malaysia by two young Spanish Hufath

The Al-Bukhari Mosque, from Kuala Lumpur invited this year two Spanish Hufath (those who have memorized the Quran) to be the Tarawih Imams during this blessed month of Ramadan. Yesterday they had the honor to meet with His Excellency, Mr. Carlos Dominguez Diaz, Ambassador of Spain to Malaysia, who since knew of the presence of the young Imams, had the …

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Visit to the Indonesian ambassador, Ibu Duta Besar Hj. Yuli Mumpuni

From the Seville Mosque Foundation, we would like to express our sincere thanks to Ibu Duta Besar Hj. Yuli Mumpuni, Indonesian Ambassador in Spain, for her warm reception at the Indonesian embassy in Madrid and for her understanding and invaluable help with the project of the Islamic Cultural Center of Seville. On the pleasant visit she was given a detailed …

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Reunión organizativa para el X Festival Islámico de Mértola

Este año se celebra el veinte aniversario del Festival Islámico de Mértola, siendo este un festival bienal, coincide con la décima celebración. Bajo este espíritu, la Cámara Municipal de Mértola lleva celebrando una serie de reuniones con las partes organizadoras e interesados, para hablar sobre la evolución de este festival, las cosas que se pueden mejorar y los principios que …

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Carta al Sr. D. Juan Espadas Cejas, Alcalde de Sevilla

Sr. D. Juan Espadas Cejas. Excmo. Sr. Alcalde. Presidente del Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Sevilla. ­ Sevilla, 30 de marzo de 2016 Asunto: “Centro Cultural Islámico de Sevilla” La junta rectora de la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla y en su nombre su vicepresidente, Luis Hernández Martínez, quiere poner en su conocimiento como lo hizo con su antecesor, el Sr. D. Ignacio …

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