
Meeting with the Vice President of Malaysia, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin

The delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation had the honor of being invited to the family iftar of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, in his personal residence, where more than 500 people gathered. During the meeting the delegation had the opportunity to speak with Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin in a relaxed manner, and the project of the future Islamic Cultural Center …

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Iftar with Tuan Syed Azmin from the Bukhary Foundation

Tuan Syed Azmin, brother of the famous Syed Mukhtar Al Bukhary, both known for their generosity and enormous contributions to society and its development, he invited the delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation to Iftar at one of his companies. The generosity of this family over the years has been well-known all over the world, proof of which are the …

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Becas de la Fundación Turkiye Diyanet para enseñanza secundaria y universidad

La Fundación Turkiye Diayanet ofreca becas tanto para estudios de secudaria como estudios de universidad. Las becas son para llevar a cabo los estudios en Turquía, teniendo la opición de hacerlo en diferentes cuidades. Los estudios de secundaria incluyen todas las asignaruras de ciencias humanas y naturales además de complementar este curriculum con estudios de ciencias islámicas. El grado que …

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Encounter with Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad

 One of the most emblematic and significant meetings of the delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation, on their trip to Malaysia in search of support for the construction of the Islamic Cultural Center in Seville, was given this morning with Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, one of Malaysia’s most influential personalities and the longest-serving prime minister in his position in …

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Iftar at Kuala Pilah with the Minister of the region, Dato Sri Hasan Malek

 The delegation from the Seville Mosque Foundation was invited to the iftar organized by the minister of Kuala Pilah, Dato Sri Hasan Malek. One more example of the courtesy and generosity of the Malaysian people and the tremendous acceptance and interest aroused by the project of the Islamic Cultural Center of Seville among its people. At each meeting, the project …

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Invitation to iftar at the Malaysian Congress

For the first day of fasting, an Iftar for all members of the congress was held at the Malaysian Congress, to which the delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation was invited. The Iftar was chaired by Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Pandikar Amin Haji Mulia, chairman of the congressional chamber, and attended by Tan Sri Abu Zahar Ujang, President of …

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Official reception with the President of the Malaysian Senate

 The delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation had the pleasure and honor to be received again in the Malaysian Parliament by Tan Sri Abu Zahar Ujang, President of the Parliament. At the meeting we dealt various topics of interest, focusing on the construction project of the Islamic Cultural Center of Seville, and the future collaboration between both institutions.

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