The educator Hajj Khalid Nieto highlights the importance of the family and the teacher in society in a talk at the First Congress on Sufism held in Melilla.
“All that Islam should do in the people who practice it is to elevate the noble qualities of the person, such as love, respect and understanding, but not only among the Muslims themselves, but with the rest of the individuals with whom they live.”
This was assured yesterday to El Faro by the educator and professor of Social Sciences, Hajj Khalid Nieto, one of the speakers at the First Congress of Sufism of Melilla held at the Zawiya Al Alwiya. ‘The education of the Adab, in the family and the community’ was the lecture he gave to the audience that filled the room.
In this talk he spoke about the family being the nucleus where the “transition from noble qualities to the future generation” takes place. He affirmed that the education in values of children begins at home, where they must learn love, respect for the elderly, care for food and personal hygiene, as well as prayer.
On this last point, Nieto stressed that prayer must be learned as a family. This educator acknowledged that it is difficult to bring parents and children together at a table to share a chat and eat in peace.
However, he stressed that it is necessary to find that gap. But Nieto goes further in his recommendations and assured that children should not only be raised in the love of the primary family, but should also be reunited with cousins, uncles and grandparents.
“They are basic principles so that love for humanity and respect for the elderly remains in future generations,” he said.
Teachers Another pillar of education is teachers.
This speaker explained his personal case and that is that he hired an instructor to train his son from a very young age.
When the boy arrived at the public school, after each class, he approached the teachers to thank them for their work.
These teachers did not even know what to answer and ended up telling him that it was not necessary for him to thank them on a daily basis.
The little boy was educated to understand that “the knowledge they were transmitting to him deserved this recognition to the teachers,” he added. In this way, Nieto stressed that the respect that was had for teachers must be recovered “because, in collaboration with families, they shape the intellect and behavior of our children.”
He stated that it is a common work between the school and the parents and therefore, there must be very good communication between both entities. “Respect for the teacher must be a cultural asset, otherwise civilization will be lost,” he said. This expert in Education also commented that love for the family and the teacher should be instilled in children when they are very young.
He explained that as they get older they begin to manifest their ego and this is built by reaffirming themselves in front of the rest of the world.
The independence that adolescents seek can lead them to adopt behaviors that the family does not approve of or even that are not appropriate for society.
Islam On the other hand, this professor discussed in his lecture that he is rescuing the culture of Islamic civilization because there is a lack of knowledge of it and it is part of today’s world. In this sense, he wondered why there is no book on Islamic economics when for 1,400 years this civilization has been maintained and in addition, 90% of them have been dedicated to trade.
“Could they not contribute something to solve the current problems of the economy?” he said.
The conferences It was last Friday when this I Congress on Sufism began in Melilla.
This day has been organized in parallel to the meeting held every year by hundreds of pilgrims who come from all over the world to pray at the Zawiya Al Alawiya. The aim of the talks was to inform citizens about Sufism and to discuss the role of Sufis at this time.
“I don’t have any other job and I don’t grow any seed other than love”
The conferences were closed by the Communication Coordinator of this congress, Abdelkader Mohamed Ali, who hoped that the participants of this meeting see that “Sufism is nothing more than the original Islam”. He explained that having awakened interest in a person and having “lit a light beyond the daily events, I was satisfied.”
In fact, he chose not to make a final assessment or draw conclusions so that the audience could reflect internally on which aspects are the most outstanding of these presentations. To finish his speech he read a poem.
One of his verses said “I have no other job than love and I do not sow any other seed than love”.
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