The intensive course is entitled: “Oh Son” (Ayyuhal Walad); it will consist of a reading and commentary of one of the works of Imam Al Gazali with the same title, sometimes translated into Spanish as “Letter to the disciple”.
The work is a letter that Al Gazali sends to one of his disciples, following the latter’s request to summarize all the learning and knowledge he has acquired throughout his life.
Therefore, the advice given by the noble Imam allows us to understand which are the aspects that have had the greatest importance for him throughout his life; and consequently, they should be for all of us, since each and every one of the points he mentions has a great application in our days.
Ayyuhal Walad is a work that has been conceived to be read and reread; and consulted frequently throughout life.
Another important point to study this work is that it gives us a complete picture of the thinking and understanding of the great scholar and noble Imam, Abu Hamid Al Gazali, of the Din of Islam.
The course will have a duration of 10 hours, divided into 5 sessions of 2 hours each.
It will be every Wednesday in September, starting on Wednesday 1st and ending on Wednesday 29th; the schedule for all sessions will be from 8pm to 10pm.
The classes will be taught through the Zoom platform, being recorded for later viewing, in case someone could not attend live, or if you want to view them later.
Once your registration is confirmed, and a few days before the start of the course, you will be sent an email with the details and links to connect.
If you have any questions or need more information you can contact Shaij Ahmed through his email or his social networks @AhmedBermejo.

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