Monday 13th of June, Shahada of Muhammad – A new Muslim.

The shahada is the belief and testimony that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is His messenger. The definition of the shahada, is to express it with the tongue and believe with your heart.

It’s the moment of public acceptance of Islam, which is to say with sincere and self-belief the shahada in front of Muslim witnesses, and to accept the practice or the remaining 4 pillars of Islam: Salat, Zakat, fasting Ramadan and pilgrimage.

Perhaps it is an act to which we have become accustomed because of their frequency and consistency in recent years. Every day thousands of people accept Islam in the world. Islam is an individual and social option for many people of our time. An spiritual journey of worship and closeness to the Creator, as well as a guide of wisdom in every aspect of life.

Transforming practices that change your behaviour and character and make you a member of a brotherhood that knows no geographical, racial or class boundaries.

What is truly extraordinary is to see how, regardless of the unfortunately frequent atrocities perpetrated in the name of Islam, there are still people that with intellect, heart and sincerity accept Islam every day, all over the world.

They plot and Allah plots,
but Allah is the best of plotters .
Koran, 8/30.

Our most sincere welcome and best wishes to our new brother, Muhammad.

Sevilla Monday June 13, 2016.