
Official reception with the President of the Malaysian Senate

 The delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation had the pleasure and honor to be received again in the Malaysian Parliament by Tan Sri Abu Zahar Ujang, President of the Parliament. At the meeting we dealt various topics of interest, focusing on the construction project of the Islamic Cultural Center of Seville, and the future collaboration between both institutions.

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AUDIO: RNE, En primera persona: Spaniards who embrace Islam.

I am at the Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla with Professor Joaquín Nieto or Khalid as he is known by the Muslim community. He had an intense past linked to Christianity but more than 20 years ago he decided to live La Shahada (Testimony of Faith) to embrace Islam. Now he lives as a Muslim and trains the young and not …

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Photo gallery of the 8th Islamic Festival of Mertola

From the Seville Mosque Foundation we would like to express our sincere thanks to the City Council of Mértola, to all the present authorities, organizers, participants and assistants for having made us enjoy an excellent Islamic Festival. Until next time!

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‘The Muslim is, by definition, intellectual’

Spengler says in his work The Decline of the West: “History teaches us that the doubt of faith leads to knowledge, and the doubt of knowledge – after a time of critical analysis – again to faith.” Man, as the rational being that he is, is constantly looking for an explanation for the events and phenomena that occur around him. …

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Khutba: The Deen of Islam is Complete

Allah says, subhanahu ta’ala: “Today I have completed your practice of worship (Deen), I have completed My blessing upon you and I have accepted Islam as a practice of worship with pleasure.” (Maida, 3) This verse was revealed on the day of ‘Arafah during the Hajj of Farewell, after which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) …

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8 Islamic Festival of Mértola

The Islamic Festival of Mértola, Portugal, will take place between May 21st and 24th. Once again, the Seville Mosque Foundation will once again be present in several of the activities of the event, as it has been doing since its first celebration, in 2001. During these days the call to prayer will be heard again in the town, prayers will …

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