
Masjid Agung Grenade – Trailer

Trailer of the Documentary about the Great Mosque of Granada. From the series of documentaries recently filmed on Islam in Spain. Broadcast in Malaysia on January 28, by the Astro network, Oasis.

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Islam di Sepanyol!

Image of the promotion of the series of recently filmed documentaries on Islam in Spain. The series has been a great success in audience and we are having a great response from the network. Broadcast in Malaysia on January 28, by the Astro network, Oasis. As soon as we have a copy we will share it.

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Seville, a small community without radicals

Could there be attacks like those of this week in Paris in a city like Seville? Spain has already been the victim of the largest attack in Europe, but Seville has never been a city that has stood out for a significant presence of radical Islamists. There were none at the beginning of the twentieth century and there are none …

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Islam is not to blame

Social perception paints a dystopian reality in which Muslims become a demographic threat Europe has many problems, but Islam is not one of them. The temptation to deny the seal of European authenticity to broad layers of its population that make this religion a first sign of identity is. It is also important to relegate to social and economic marginality …

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Lack of reflection

At a time when we are encouraged to respond impulsively to any situation, reflection has become a revolutionary act. Acting impulsively means that we respond to a stimulus, whether internal or external, without our response having been reflected. Therefore, impulse and reflection are incompatible. This does not mean that the impulsive response is always wrong, nor that through reflection we …

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Statement from the Islamic Community in Spain

Spanish Muslims echo the pain of the attack in Paris against a media outlet and express our support for the French government, condemning the event without palliatives. After several days of uncertainty and a high degree of misinformation, the French government has restored order as expected from a state of such strength. Reflections on what happened begin to be as …

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