Regular Activities Program

The following activities are open to all Muslims and people interested in Islam.
Please confirm your attendance.

yuma Salat al Yumua / Friday, 3:00 p.m.

The Khutba of Salat al Yuma begins at 3:00 pm.

newNew Muslims / Monday, 8pm

For anyone interested in Islam and new Muslims.
Please confirm attendance.
Classes taught by Hajj Abulqasim Molinero.

childrenQuran classes for children / Wednesdays, 6 p.m.

Children up to 10 years old.
Please confirm attendance.
A snack will be served during the break.
Classes taught by Asisa Nieto and Zulaija Nieto.

Arabic for women / Wednesday, 6pm

Arabic classes for women.
Please confirm attendance.
Classes taught by Malika.

classesKoran, Fiqh and Arabic classes / Wednesdays, 6pm

For children over 10 years old.
Classes taught by Imam Abdelwahid.

coranRecitation of the last Hizb of the Koran / Sundays, 11.30am

Group Warsh recitation of the last Hizb.
For all ages.
Followed by coffee and cakes.

10649961_651550601610204_5665792240879905399_nOther Activities

To attend Seminars, Conferences, Dhikr Evenings, Ramadaan program and other activities, please contact us.