Visit of Ustad Abdelgani to Gran Canaria

On December 21st and 22nd, Sheikh Abdel Gani Melara, Imam of the Seville Mosque Foundation, was invited to Gran Canaria for a series of talk and events.

On Friday the 21st he was invited to give the jumuah khutba at the As Salam Mosque, in the Doctoral. That same night he gave a talk about ‘Ihsan’. And finally on Saturday 22nd, he delivered a lecture at the Assembly Hall of the Hotel Avenida in Vecindario, under the title ‘In the messenger of Allah you have a beautiful example’, which happned after the isha prayer in Arrahma Mosque in Carrizal.

The event has been organized by the Ar-Rahma Mosque, with the collaboration of the Canary Islamic Cultural Center, the Choso de la Isla Socio-Cultural Association, As-Salam Mosque, Radio 2 Luces and the Seville Mosque Foundation, with the sponsorship of the Pluralism and Coexistence Foundation.

Our thanks to all the organizers and collaborators for the invitation, reception and hospitality.