Activities & Events

Taller de cosmética natural, Mértola, Portugal

El sábado 29 de enero se celebró en colaboración con el Ayuntamiento de Mértola, Portugal, un taller de cosmética natural, impartido por Aisha Bueso. El taller se llevó a cabo dentro del ámbito del proyecto Hammam & Casa de Té de Mértola y del Mercado de Productores Locales. Debido al éxito de asistencia, inicialmente previsto para 20 personas y donde …

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The Muslim community of Seville very grateful for the support of Indonesia for the development of the Mosque of Seville. Article of the Indonesian Embassy

Ibrahim Hernández, the Vice-president of the Seville Mosque Foundation on the occasion of the Thanksgiving event, finalizing the recording of the series of the donation campaign for the development of the Mosque of Seville held at the Embassy in Madrid on Sunday, March 26th, 2017, commented that “We, the Muslim community in Seville are so happy and grateful” to have …

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“To inspire people to take positive action.”, Fréderic Oumar Kanoute

Fredi Kanouté jokes that he has joined a rock band but none of the motley crew he is touring with claims to be a professional musician. Instead the former West Ham United, Tottenham Hotspur and Sevilla striker shares stages around the world with extraordinary characters such as Emi Mahmoud, a former Darfur refugee and Poetry Slam world champion, and Dr Rouba Mhaissen, …

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A Tile for Seville, Reviving Islam in Andalusia

ACTNews, JAKARTA – The world history obviously exposes how Islam in Andalusia, Spain, began to enter its golden age under the Umayyad Caliphate in the eighth century. Economic development, cultural works and science flourished, while renowned philosophers and scientists of Islam such as Ibn Sina and al-Khwarizmi also came into existence. For about three centuries, Andalusia emerged as a region with the …

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Recepción de estudiantes

Esta semana hemos tenido el placer de recibir dos grupos de estudiantes de Estados Unidos, en colaboración con CASA Center in Seville, delegación de CASA Consortium for Advanced Studies Abroad, que vinieron de la mano del Doctorado y escritor, Bartolomé Miranda, director de las actividades culturales de esta entidad. La visita, ya habitual entre sus estudiantes que vienen a Sevilla, …

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